Sunday, September 23, 2012

First Foods

I convinced Saria to let me start feeding Ethan real food. A week ago or so I fed him his first food - I let him suck on a piece of watermelon. He liked it, and you could see the look of surprise on his face as he thought,"This is new," but he became uninterested fairly quickly.

Yesterday, I let him suck on a banana. He really liked it and he ate about an eighth of a banana - which for a three month old is a lot. I took it away and this is the pose he gave me - a big smile and mouth wide open waiting for more. He looked just like a baby bird.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Ethan and his monkey

Ethan falls asleep either when he is swaddled or when he is holding something. Usually he holds onto Saria's arm, but lately she's been able to switch out her arm for his monkey stuffed animal. What a cute picture.