Sunday, September 23, 2012

First Foods

I convinced Saria to let me start feeding Ethan real food. A week ago or so I fed him his first food - I let him suck on a piece of watermelon. He liked it, and you could see the look of surprise on his face as he thought,"This is new," but he became uninterested fairly quickly.

Yesterday, I let him suck on a banana. He really liked it and he ate about an eighth of a banana - which for a three month old is a lot. I took it away and this is the pose he gave me - a big smile and mouth wide open waiting for more. He looked just like a baby bird.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Ethan and his monkey

Ethan falls asleep either when he is swaddled or when he is holding something. Usually he holds onto Saria's arm, but lately she's been able to switch out her arm for his monkey stuffed animal. What a cute picture.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Ethan and Ginger

Ginger is such a good dog, she puts up with a lot as Saria and always strive for the perfect picture. Here, we got one of Ginger and Ethan together.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Favorite picture

This is my favorite picture of Ethan this far. It was taken by Saria has shows how wider eyed an alert he is.

Pictures of Ethan

Here are some random pixtures of Ethan from his first month

Thursday, July 12, 2012

One Month Old!

Ethan is one month old.  These following pictures have been taken over the last month at home.  Everyone is adjusting well to having a new member of the family.  He is our little bundle of joy (when he isn't screaming because we set him down ;)) See below each picture for caption.

Loves to sleep all crunched up... Unfortunately, he will not STAY asleep if this is the position he assumes at night (on his back all crunched up that is).  For him to sleep soundly, he needs to be swaddled.  

I find the frog legs cute as Rhett never did this.  Rhett was quite loved to stretch out.

Ethan on two different occasions after a bath that he seemed to enjoy after the initial shock of getting wet. :) In fact he seems rather refreshed :) 

Don't worry, they will become GREAT friends!

Needed to post this picture to prove Ethan didn't mind being lain on Ginger (and props to our dog for knowing not to move when we set Ethan - we reward her for her "tricks")


I love these pictures because they really show the resemblance Ethan has to Rhett.  Just as Rhett was a mini John, for now at least, Ethan is a mini Rhett!
So, this is the first full outfit we put on Ethan.  I forget why we dressed him up as previously he has been sporting just the onsie.... however, he did end up in just the onsie anyway.  

On Ethan's first Sunday to church, he sported the Tiger outfit he got from John's parents - bought in DisneyLand right after he was born.  To put in to perspective how big Ethan has gotten, the outfit is the size 6 months!

Friday, July 6, 2012

First 4th of July

It was a HOT fourth here in Wisconsin! However, that only SLIGHTLY dampened the holiday celebration spirit (in that we had to strip Ethan down to his diaper and keep him indoors to prevent him from overheating at the lake by the Bleuels). Below are some pictures of our newest peanut :)

At Warner Park waiting to watch the firework show on June 30 (he slept through the actual fireworks!)

Scary eyes :) (above left)  Holding in his nuk (above right)

The cute outfit I bought for Ethan for the holiday celebration (above left).  Ethan too hot to wear his outfit on July 4th (above right)
The temperature at 5:30 pm on July 4th (not the dry heat of Vegas or even Utah, so it was QUITE unbearable) - it confined Ethan to the A/C of the indoors!

Enjoying a nap in the A/C

Poor kid, we were doing our best to keep him cool.  At least it cooled off for our drive home!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Twins that are three years apart?

I can't get over how much Ethan's baby pictures are a replica of Rhett's baby pictures.  It will be interesting to see if Ethan's looks clone Rhett as he grows up or if he will take on his own features.  Time will tell, but here are a few pictures to compare!  Can you guess who's who?!

The question remains, who is who?!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

First Week of Life

Ethan came home from the hospital a healthy baby.  His scores when born were 9/10.  I do not believe I was ever told what Rhett's were, but probably lower as Rhett did not cry (though he was quite obviously alert and well).  Ethan is adjusting to life well at home.  He snuggled into the pack and play by our bed and slept through the night for the most part waking to feed once in the night and then again in the early morning. I was excited that he was sleeping so well.  And sleep he did!  All the next day as well. 

A friend of mine is starting up a photography business and wanted a new born baby shoot for her website and asked me if I wouldn't mind having her photograph Ethan.  So we made a trip to her house and enjoyed the afternood taking pictures while Rhett played with trains and cars.

And then no rest for me (though Ethan was getting plenty of it for the both of us) as I had to prepare to stay with Monica as John and Rhett went to Disney Land.  John had packed up Rhett and  his stuff, but as I started gathering stuff for Ethan and I, I was reminded how very much you have to pack for a new born including burp rags, multple outfits (for both me and Ethan) and a TON of diapers as they go through them fairly quickly!  I was excited to get to Monica's and just relax and enjoy my new cuddly son and allow the swelling in my ankles dissapate.

Above are pictures from the first week of life for Ethan!