Monday, June 18, 2012

Twins that are three years apart?

I can't get over how much Ethan's baby pictures are a replica of Rhett's baby pictures.  It will be interesting to see if Ethan's looks clone Rhett as he grows up or if he will take on his own features.  Time will tell, but here are a few pictures to compare!  Can you guess who's who?!

The question remains, who is who?!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

First Week of Life

Ethan came home from the hospital a healthy baby.  His scores when born were 9/10.  I do not believe I was ever told what Rhett's were, but probably lower as Rhett did not cry (though he was quite obviously alert and well).  Ethan is adjusting to life well at home.  He snuggled into the pack and play by our bed and slept through the night for the most part waking to feed once in the night and then again in the early morning. I was excited that he was sleeping so well.  And sleep he did!  All the next day as well. 

A friend of mine is starting up a photography business and wanted a new born baby shoot for her website and asked me if I wouldn't mind having her photograph Ethan.  So we made a trip to her house and enjoyed the afternood taking pictures while Rhett played with trains and cars.

And then no rest for me (though Ethan was getting plenty of it for the both of us) as I had to prepare to stay with Monica as John and Rhett went to Disney Land.  John had packed up Rhett and  his stuff, but as I started gathering stuff for Ethan and I, I was reminded how very much you have to pack for a new born including burp rags, multple outfits (for both me and Ethan) and a TON of diapers as they go through them fairly quickly!  I was excited to get to Monica's and just relax and enjoy my new cuddly son and allow the swelling in my ankles dissapate.

Above are pictures from the first week of life for Ethan!